Friday, March 11, 2011

The destruction of language [aphasic paradigm]

adjective [quantitative specific capitalized] noun [singular] article [definite] noun [plural capitalized] verb [auxiliary past third] verb [past] preposition [locational] article [definite] noun [singular] punctuation [stop] break article [indefinite capitalized] noun [singular capitalized] verb [past third] adverb [locational] punctuation [pause] preposition [accompaniment] adjective [qualitative] noun [singular abstract] punctuation [stop] break article [definite capitalized] noun [plural capitalized] verb [auxiliary past third] verb [past] punctuation [pause] verb [past] punctuation [pause]verb [past] punctuation [stop] break article [definite capitalized] adjective [sequential] noun [singular] article [indefinite] noun [singular capitalized] verb [past third] adverb [locational] punctuation [pause] conjunction verb [past third] article [definite] noun [singular capitalized] punctuation [stop] break break adjective [collective relational capitalized] noun [singular capitalized] verb [present plural third] adjective [restrictive] noun [singular] space preposition [denotative] noun [singular abstract] punctuation [pause] punctuation [expressive referential separation] conjunction [situational] pronoun [singular impersonal] verb [past third] article [indefinite] adjective [qualitative] adjective [qualitative] noun [singular] conjunction [temporal] article [definite] break noun [singular capitalized] verb [past third] adverb [proximate] punctuation [pause] pronoun [singular capitalized] verb [auxiliary future first] verb [present] article [definite] adjective [qualitative] conjunction adjective [qualitative] noun [singular abstract] preposition [locational] adjective [possessive] noun [singular] preposition [continuance] article [definite] noun [singular] pronoun [singular capitalized] break verb [present first capitalized] preposition [causative] article [definite] adjective [qualitative] punctuation [pause] adjective [qualitative abstract] noun [singular] punctuation [stop] punctuation [expressive referential separation] break conjunction [capitalized] punctuation [pause] punctuation [expressive referential separation] verb [auxiliary transitive] pronoun [singular] adverb [behavioral qualitative] verb [present singular second] article [indefinite] noun [singular] punctuation [pause] name [male] punctuation [interrogative] punctuation [expressive referential separation] break conjunction [capitalized] punctuation [pause] preposition [denotative] noun [singular abstract] punctuation [pause] punctuation [expressive referential separation] verb [present first pronoun-implied singular] pronoun [singular second] punctuation [pause] article [definite] adjective [qualitative] noun [singular] preposition [denotative] noun [plural] preposition [locational] article [definite] noun [singular denotative] noun [singular] verb [auxiliary present third] verb [past] noun [singular abstract] adverb [temporal] break preposition [transitional capitalized] article [indefinite] adjective [qualitative] noun [singular abstract] punctuation [pause] adjective [attributional] preposition [transitional] article [definite] noun [singular] preposition [locational] article [definite] noun [singular denotative] noun [singular] pronoun [singular relative referential connective] verb [past third] adverb [locational] punctuation [stop] punctuation [expressive referential separation] break break preposition [locational temporal capitalized] article [definite] noun [singular] article [definite] noun [plural capitalized] conjunction article [definite] noun [plural capitalized] verb [present third] adverb [qualitative] preposition [locational] article [definite] noun [singular] punctuation [stop] break article [indefinite capitalized] adjective [qualitative abstract] noun [singular capitalized] adverb [compound locational] verb [auxiliary habitual present third] verb [present] punctuation [pause] punctuation [expressive referential separation] conjunction punctuation [exclamatory] conjunction punctuation [exclamatory] punctuation [expressive referential separation] break conjunction [capitalized] article [definite] noun [singular capitalized] verb [auxiliary present first] adverb [negatory] verb [present] punctuation [stop] break break conjunction [capitalized] article [definite] noun [singular capitalized] verb [present third] adverb [locational abstract] preposition [locational] article [definite] noun [singular] punctuation [pause] break adverb [similarity capitalized] pronoun [singular capitalized] verb [present third] adverb [locational abstract] preposition [locational] adjective [possessive singular second] noun [plural] punctuation [pause] noun [plural] punctuation [pause] noun [singular] punctuation [pause] conjunction noun [singular] break pronoun [singular capitalized] verb [auxiliary present second] verb [past] pronoun [singular first] preposition [denotative] article [indefinite] adjective [quantitative] noun [singular] break pronoun [singular relative referential connective capitalized] verb [auxiliary present third] adverb [negatory] verb [future] adjective [negatory qualitative abstract] break preposition [continuance] article [definite] noun [singular active] preposition [denotative] noun [singular] punctuation [stop]

–Kenneth Koch, “Permanently


  1. wow. an evangelical junk comment. posted one minute after the poem was posted.

    I almost thought someone was reading this thing ...

  2. my brain just tried to crawl out of my left ear. your posts frequently do this to her. she's ashamed she's not smarter, or can't get the kalediscope app needed to prism this into individual colors she can absorb easily. it's a piece of visual art more than a post, poem, prose or hybrid.

  3. That's the aphasic part, and there's no need for shame - I can't even read this myself, at least not in the typical manner.

    Thanks Kimberly.
